Typical Pregnancy Schedule

Under 10-12 Weeks:

Ideally we meet once or twice during this time either via phone or in your home or my office. I can order an ultrasound if your dates are not clear, give nutritional counsel, and apply a holistic and proactive approach to combat any of the many common ailments of this first trimester. 

Optional fetal well-being and genetic testing is available.

10-12 Weeks:

An obstetrical blood draw and listening for that sweet baby's heart tones are on board. We do a comprehensive prenatal exam (weight, blood pressure, urine sample, measurement of the uterus and fetal growth, fetal heart tones are detected). We also investigate family and maternal health history.  A 3-day nutritional intake form is completed to be sure you are getting all of the nutrients you need to feel great and grow at optimal health during your pregnancy. 

12-28 Weeks:

Monthly comprehensive prenatal appointments are done by me. An ultrasound can be ordered around 20 weeks for a fetal well-being check and/or gender reveal. This is not required, but is available to you. At 28 weeks we screen you for gestational diabetes and anemia.

28-36 Weeks:

We are now meeting every two weeks and continuing with our comprehensive prenatal appointments. Another blood draw happens at 28 weeks to screen you for gestational diabetes and we take a good look at your iron levels and risk for anemia. Any additional follow up on previous blood work can be done as needed.

36 1/2 Weeks:

We celebrate that if you should go into labor you may have your baby safely at home. A Group Beta Strep culture is obtained and we continue along with our comprehensive prenatal appointments. We also focus on recognizing the ripening process that your body will go through in the weeks to come. 

41 Weeks:

Being overdue by a week is common and very normal. However, at this time we are listening to  baby closely and obtaining an at-home-non-stress-test to be certain baby is still happy and healthy in the womb. We up our visits to every few days now. We will go ahead and get a Biophysical Profile scheduled and get a good look at how that baby is doing.

42 Weeks:

If baby is still en utero we will get on with the Biophysical Profile. This is a specialized ultrasound that checks fetal well-being by looking closely and checking a few markers that ensure all is well. During this time, we are gently encouraging baby to come via mild at-home interventions. Such things may include squatting more, getting baby in an optimal fetal position, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal supplements, and discussing what mama is feeling about this upcoming birth. We usually a good laugh and cry and then that sweet baby follows the hormonal rolled coaster and comes through.

Please note, this is a typical and generic overview of how your pregnancy could go. All optional testing is done with your permission and/or on an as-needed basis. This schedule doesn't reflect all of the wonderful reasons you may have chosen a midwife such as general conversation, mountains of love, emotional support and care to you and your partner, as well as the endless amounts of calls, texts, and emails ensuring you feel informed and supported throughout the entire process. At any point in the pregnancy, I can consult or transfer care to obstetric care if needed. You are an active part of this pregnancy and are fully involved in making decisions about your care all the way through.

Heart-Strong Midwifery
Ashley Hinton-Sharp, LM

(406) 396-0222
Missoula, Montana